Chicago was a truly intersting place, full of new and exciting arcitecture- I was in awe, even with my typical almost Vulcan-like emotional suppression. I will admit, though, they do think very highly of themselves- very proud. Not to mention, everywhere I looked I saw 'Chicago' this, 'the something of Chicago' that. I began just finally taking photographs of them all- and got quite a few!

These two structures, in particular, were rather interesting- there was space for vehicle parking underneath the dwellings!

It really did say Chicago everywhere.

The water was SO clean it was almost unnerving.

That's more familiar. (Unfortunate, but sadly familiar.)
There was also this giant fountain that hurled water out into the river every Earth hour.
There were these little birds everywhere- very bold, too!
Okay, but for what?
It really did say Chicago everywhere.
only the rich and politicians are allowed to defend themselves in chicago, thus it is a fail city
The City of Oprah and yes, she is very proud of it. I travelled there with Grandalf a couple of years ago when he was on business. I basically stayed in the hotel while he had his meetings, but did venture out and took a walk to the huge building that houses different levels of home design.
The following day we drove to Wisconsin to spend a few days with the intention of locating your 5th great grandfather Otterson's grave and we did find it, his daughter, her 2nd husband (her first husband died, don't know where he is buried yet) and her children to her first husband. It was a fantastic find. It was a very emotional and moving experience for both of us.
Grandma xx
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