Sunday, July 27, 2008

Entry Correction

As of 02:00 hours this morning, I have now run the Dark Knight holonovel 3 times.

Sorry for the misinformation.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Why So Serious?

I know everyone's been buzzing about the new holonovel, The Dark Knight. It's a new adventure from an extremely old character-Batman. He comes from the 20-21st century's obsession with "Superheros," and that love for the extraordinary has carried over the years to the 24th.

Needless to say, it was absolutely FANTASTIC. Very, very dark and it really questions the human race in general, but it was so. Good. I've already run the program twice and I hope I can run it again! I know my crew really enjoyed it as well.

The story's main villain is The Joker, a fearless character who, according to Alfred, has no reason for what he does, because "some people just want to watch the world burn."

A central theme in the story is that "You either die the hero, or are the hero for so long that you find yourself as the villain." I found great truth in this, and it made for a great plot. Through both Batman's (The Dark Knight) and Harvey Dent's (The White Knight) struggles, especially- one starts off as a villainous hero, and the other as a heroic villain. From where they start to where they end, coupled with the Joker's "social experiments," make for a deeply questioning story.

Well done, everyone.

Monday, July 21, 2008

My Latest Holodeck Pursuits

I just finished a new holodeck program and I loved it so much I felt I must tell everyone about it. It is called 'The Scarlet Pimpernel.' It is set during the French Revolution, and, although extremely old, it was absolutely fantastic and I've already consumed the original manuscript which is quite different from the program but still as fantastic. I highly reccomend it to anyone who will listen to me- which, actually, could potentially be a good many'll find that as a Starfleet captain you hold a lot of sway.
"They seek him here, they seek him there.
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.
Is he in heaven? Or is he in hell?
That damned, elusive Pimpernel."

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mt. Rushmore (and the rest of South Dakota)

The walkway of flags.

Through a crack in a rock.

Despite these warnings, I still leaped into the enclosed area to retrieve my sunglasses.
We also stopped by the Crazy Horse memorial.

The scale model

As we left, I thought that the clouds rather looked like the memorial itself.

There was also an excavation site along our trip

And several types of animal life.

And, of course, the view really was astounding.

Your funny moment for the day:

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Chicago was a truly intersting place, full of new and exciting arcitecture- I was in awe, even with my typical almost Vulcan-like emotional suppression. I will admit, though, they do think very highly of themselves- very proud. Not to mention, everywhere I looked I saw 'Chicago' this, 'the something of Chicago' that. I began just finally taking photographs of them all- and got quite a few!

These two structures, in particular, were rather interesting- there was space for vehicle parking underneath the dwellings!

It really did say Chicago everywhere.

The water was SO clean it was almost unnerving.

That's more familiar. (Unfortunate, but sadly familiar.)
There was also this giant fountain that hurled water out into the river every Earth hour.

There were these little birds everywhere- very bold, too!
Okay, but for what?