Saturday, June 28, 2008

Make It So

Hi everybody, and welcome to Captain's Blog. As you all probably know (and if you didn't, you do now) I will be driving across the U.S. this summer with my family and will not be on the East Coast for more than half. I thought I'd get a way to keep in touch with you all and keep you updated on my daily antics!

Peace and long life- I'll be sure to post again soon!

<3 captain bck


Anonymous said...


Liesa said...

Hi Bek,
I hope you are ok with me reading your blog? It will be nice to hear what is happening in your life and keep in touch better. Liesa x

Mum and Dad said...

Well, I've finally caught up on reading your blog, backwards! It was a lot of fun. Please send out an email to all the family when you have posted here again, and do it more often, we love to hear from you about what's happening.

Love you as much as all of the stars in the Galaxy and more.

Grandma xx